Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How Karma Works

Every song that I hear is so depressin',
got me thinking, got me stressin',
 ohhh Laaaawd I think I learned my lesson.
 Praying to God I didn't block a blessin',
So I hand change to the begger with one leg,
only to find out that the white benz his,
and its ,
around the corner by the food store with the rickety door,
where the cat sleep on the bread.
Smh and I move on...

I became a mentor to give kids guidance,
and put a silence to this voice in my head
wanting a family lately
Trying to correct my issues
Before they affect me greatly
The Women I been dating,
 having trouble creating space for
my love,
Cause they been damaged and hurt from root up.
I tell them its time for a tune up,
 let me clear the bullshit out,
and fill you with a new love,
So your heart runs smooth,
but you don't hear me tho,
Nah...but you don't feel me tho.
Smh then I move on...

Meanwhile my ex is in the Bahamas,
 with some white dude chillin,
Tweeting white dudes winnin',
since he got bread and he willin,
to give her anything she ever dreamed of,
but its only to fill a void,
cause inside she paranoid.
Talking bout "look at God" pretending when she speaks,
Since nothing equates to the real love that enslaved her,
 I laugh!
 If it was oooohh, surreal
Then why am I alone?
Cause if you keep throwing rocks at glass house
eventually it will shatter
To bits and pieces of matter.

Now rambling again..so I'll stop...but thats Karma Works.
It real so pump nothing but positivity and you'll br good.
Index and middle split.