If life is of the Essence, what is its scent?
does it make sense? like a Cold Summer's breeze, never felt it.
whether I Dibble and Dabble with death to get its high
Pitch like a coqui's ballad to Puerto Rico..
This is my stream in the morning but my sun never Peaks
through windows since its never Nosey,
tagging rays on skin, your it...covering grounds like Blankets
Nothing or no one gets missed...the Energy..emitted
Positivity prescribed to Breed more of it...
spread like rashes,wild fire's ashes...Grabbed by the wind
cause its intended to Make the vibes worth it,
Your probably wondering what i'm talking about
Funny thing is, that i dont Either, just feelings life's realm
illuminate thoughts,ideas i just note...
post...Spark more thoughts...for others to just Quote a line,
phrase, or just Recognize....the imagery of Imagination's
Reflection...reflective...so you can Reflect on...cause
these words are long gone...after i type it...I guess its not poetry
just lyrical...rhyme scheme...but schematics of this is so emphatic
it puts tar of Expression on grounds for others to walk on...
If my random stream..holds an ounce of relevance...or a quart of knowledge..
then drink...and tell me how it tastes..bittersweet...like Moby...
Enjoy it...tools of life just use them...and don't think too Long..risk, can be your downful or uprising...
stay in Sync with your heart and just find It...It is you,where Fear Feels comfortable a Glove's fit...
Harnest it..make due in this world...what you were meant to Do...and just....
dope boy fresh..dope dope dope boy fresh! you might be an ARTIST...keep sharpening your skill/ajr