Can I save you from you...
Its what i thought i could do....
Rewrite your past, for our future.....
Correct the Wrongs Without shooting...
Myself in the Foot with my words....
Cause I dont want to put it in my mouth...
and Things to parallel south....
Not trying to hold anything in,clutch.
Emotions tend to come out,bust.
Mistakes Made to lEARN from,
So they don't come back around,
Told Patience please don't run out on me,
Cause I want to give the best to her,
Stars,Moons,and Passion thats takes the breathe from her,
I know my flaws make it hard
but in the end you'll feel the reward
The sooner we give, the sooner we get to see
The longer it takes, the sooner we get to be
In a Love of Our Own,Deep Friendship,
Putting up with each others Bullshit
Promising never to try and exit
This ever again...6months...
Will never pretend,Showing you
That Im the Truth,what you've been waiting for
Hands Down, The BEST...No Others can compare
.those squares,.rectangle niggas,haha
Cause what beats in my chest catches you,
like the light and only you can make shine
all the colors in this world......
(To Be Continued....i guess)
You have a lot of these "to be continued" pieces. I like this one though! The one word that SCREAMS out to me is TOLERANCE. I think a lot of people in relationships have been down this road before. Great piece!