Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Listen to the Silence!


As I put on the headphones,
Just listen to the violence,
Playing angelic screams as the gun goes,


and every bullet like bees,
Leaving stingers in the flesh,
Carving into the kid’s chest like Initials on trees,


Tears fall as he gasps to breathe,
This is no time for patience,
Someone call the cops please,


Burnt red liquid leaks slowly,
absorbed by the white which is,
His shirt, dying so quickly,


Hiccupping as the innocence,
That was once there, now disappears.
Mother on bended knee, shaking like Haiti did,
Seeing the tremble in her upper lip,
Squeezing what use to be a child whose lies lifeless,


Ambulance arrives with remorse in their eyes,
Apologizing, as mom holds tight traumatized,
For her youngest will never be there,
Why the good die young will never be clear,


The shooter sped off with a guilt, for he missed,
The target, now he will be haunted by the demons,
Killing the innocent will always seep in, 
his mind Like a pussy filled with semen,

But no life will come from this,
Just bad guy that the law missed,
A mother praying for his exit wherever he is,
And the only thing God will be the judgment,


the violins weeping, bring the story’s close,
This what my mind sees when my eye’s exposed,
To the reality, that I’ve behold stored in memories,
That leave me cold as I sit here in........

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